Manchester Joint Hospital
ESH supplied and installed the trace heating system to provide frost protection to the chilled water supply: 200m in phase 1, 90m in phase 2, 180m in phase 3.
Mythe Water Treatment Works
To supply and install trace heating to temperature maintain a vessel containing Caustic Soda at +15°C. The existing circuits were removed before the new trace heating was installed.
Rosemont Pharmaceuticals - Leeds
To design, supply materials and labour to install trace heating to provide frost protection to the chilled water services pipework and to temperature maintain the DHWS pipework at +65°C.
Derby STW
ESH went back to Derby STW to install an additional 35m of VC constant wattage heating tape, to frost protect the wash water pipework.
Debenhams - White City
The project scope here was to supply labour and materials to install and commission the following trace heating:
- Frost protection to 66m of roof mounted flow and return copper MCW pipework
- Temperature maintenance at 55°C of 134m of domestic hot water service pipework
Marks & Spencers - White City
920m of VC constant wattage trace heating tape was supplied and installed to provide frost protection to the CHWS & HWS pipework.
Sterecycle Ltd - Rotherham
ESH were contracted to design, supply and install electric trace heating for frost protection to the mild steel TCWS pipework.
Novotel Building - Paddington
1300m of Trace Heating was used on the pipework to maintain the temperature at 55 degrees C for both internal and external HWS pipework. Also frost protected the roof area cold water and heating pipework. ESH supplied and installed the work.
Manchester Academy
To supply and install trace heating to provide frost protection to the copper BCWS pipework on the Academy's roof.
Paradise Street Development - Liverpool
One of our largest projects up at this site involved us suppling and installing trace heating to frost protect copper pipework in the following areas:
- Pipework form main sprinkler tank room to kiosk
- Five kiosk pipes in the service corridor
- Landlords BCWS to cleaners sink
- 40m tee to bib taps.
In total this required 340m of FBTBOJ heating tape.
Burnley WWTW
The project scope was to supply and install electric trace heating to provide frost protection to 140m of external pipework.